With this amazing feature clients can easily check if they have signed a consent form by checking their profile. Our software also offers the capability for the clients to sign consent forms before their appointment in order to save time. Paper consent forms and drawers full of paper are a thing of the past. Our software offers a paperless and cloud alternative that will save you time and help you get organised.
Keeping a comprehensive history of consent forms is not only essential for legal compliance, but it also helps you keep track of your clients' preferences and concerns over time. With our feature, you can access a client's consent history, allowing for personalized care, and informed decision making.

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“Clinic Software®.com is a fully-comprehensive SaaS (Software as a Service) in cloud based created to help companies and appointment-based businesses of any industry and size such as Clinics, Spas and Salons with tools that helps to Grow Sales, Save Time & Get Organized.”